但是我對我自己陰影不太有自信。你大家也知道,就是你知道人多的推特点赞购买地方嘛,害羞嘛。所以安全網呢今天呢在這個部分就交給你,你來幫我那個發問了,這邊就交給你了。i'm ready already a students, i really nice to meet you, peter。thank you, yeah。 so to warm up。we're going to start with some quick questions yeyeah ah, then we're going to go in。so longer questions, right。 uh。so our first question is uh is a movie。 gona be make you laugh or make you cry。it's gonna make you do both, it will hopefully make you like and hopefully make you cry。 look, there's a lot, and we put a lot of fun jokes into it for sure。and so i hope there's just a lot of entertainment, you were an elemental。what would it be uwater each two old thousand percent? i am very happy。 i watched a lot of key drama。i watch ed, you know, i just cry all the time of commercials and um i can't help it。 and uh, for sure, water。do i looking at us? what element do you think we are both of us?i would say water二哦,有往上說meaning i feel like it's a flow with you。

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